
03 March 2022

Love Letter to Tara

Beloved Goddess,                                                         

I received your message, reminding me to: Reach for the Stars! Is that your tongue in cheek way of saying I should pay more attention to you? Either way, Star Goddess- indeed, it is time!

Earlier today, I read: Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground. This came just as I had been contemplating how I might believe in myself more fully and in more expansive ways, while also grounding in nature- spending more time with the Earth Mother...

Tara, I want everything in my life to align with who I am as a woman- on Universal, spiritual and creative levels. I'm at a massive precipice of change. Something huge is on the horizon. I feel myself being called to die to the old; the lies, the fears, the past - so I can enter into a new era - a spiritual rebirth! I feel peaceful, yet also, a sense of strong, powerful energy force leading me to my greater destiny. Unknown, though it may be...

Tara, I feel your energy trickle into my soul. When I look to the stars, to You- my own heart guides me toward living my life in wild beauty... being who I came here to be- expressing my soul essence with unbridled liberty! I feel a great release taking part within me, a letting go of the old way of life, and expanding on cosmic, collective levels. 

Ooh beautiful and bright Star, I've been here with you and with Gaia since the beginning. I remember witnessing the flowers - the roses birth for the first time on her luscious, ripe body - their petals opening in a song of pleasure - orgasmic blossoming....

Like a shooting star across the heavens, watch me release all the unnecessary self-doubt, low self-worth and fragile self-esteem stories that others have used to define me, to limit me; the stories that have been telling me who I am or can be all my life. But no longer! That old energy now scatters across the sky; what was once used to control me is merely a streaming fading light- The tail end of the co-dependent burden I've been carrying for lifetimes... In my innocence trying to heal what's broken, keep the peace, healing those who are wounded and were wounding me; I release it!  It doesn't belong to me - they own it and they can heal their own wounds... It's no longer up to me to fix them. I didn't break them - only myself against their hardness. 

I reclaim my power. I let my ego die! I sink into the depths of all these feelings, even as the emotions feel so uncomfortable- as I know that the more I open - the more I can allow, the easier my birthing process will be. I've given birth before - babies, dreams... I can birth myself with ease. 

Goddess, the artwork you sent resonates so profoundly. Not only are you beautiful, but you speak to my soul! Thank you for knowing me to the depths, for showing me all the ways you and I are connected; that my power is always within me! Each symbol has personal meaning and speaks of where and who I am on my life path journey. 

The dragonflies (all is illusion); butterflies (transformation - emergence); the spiral (birth path) rainbow (hope); the sprinkling of stars (soul wisdom); lantern (inner light); the lotus and columbine flowers (blossoming, but also - faith, inner peace, aspiration, risk-takin, endurance, ascension, peace and good-fortune, purity, rebirth, self-regeneration, enlightenment)! Every single symbol is a gift. Thank you.

Thank you for reminding me that by just being myself, I am birthing my highest potential - my soul purpose! 

My mystery is my magick. 

My magick is my power! 

I am no longer playing small and staying safe. I am emerging fully aware, aligned and mindful of my power! Realizing that I am fully capable of being responsible and able to stand in a sacred space of love, self-respect, and autonomy for myself as I live powerfully and purposefully. Feeling your presence with me helps me every step of the way as I approach a whole new chapter of my life, and every aspect of my self. 

May my rebirth reveal my truest, most authentic soulful self. May my freest, most divine self where everything that holds me back/down no longer exists, shine bright. In my new reality, I am liberated from all the controlling powers that would rob me of my connection to Source. I am reclaiming my inner Queen! I am reclaiming my true self as a radical reflection and revolution of the Divine Feminine. I am Goddess! Let me shine like shine as bright as you!

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly.

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