
13 March 2022

LOve Letter to Nerthus

Beloved Goddess,

Before sunrise this morning we lit the big bonfire we gathered in your honor last night. We sat around its warmth until the sun rose high in the morning sky. Sipping warm cups of herbal tea we sang your praises.

Later in the day we turned the soil and left offerings of sweet milk, in hopes that your blessings would help our garden grow and produce a healthy, nutrient rich harvest. 

Nerthus, I honor the gifts you give to us, of prosperity, health, energy and peace. I enjoy each and every season and journeying upon the sacred cycles of life and letting go. I am grateful that it keeps spinning and bringing new birth after death. There is so much to bear witness to, so much magick and mystery and wonder to marvel over... so much goodness in everything to focus only on the sorrow. 

As my birthday - and a new beginning fast approaches, please show me ways to be even more authentic, more in harmony with nature, and in alignment with the holiest of holies. May I ever be mindful of all that is given to me, and thankful for the journey ahead. May I walk my path of beauty as a goddess, with gracious compassion for others and a generous spirit of love and kindness. 

Thank you,

-Yours devotedly

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