
12 March 2022

Love Letter to White Shell Woman


Beloved Goddess,

On the wings of wind and dreams and a spirit bird, I heard your message. You spoke of all the things I've been hoping for - unity with Great Mystery, joy and freedom - and the wild promise of overcoming every obstacle in my way with courage and wisdom.

White Shell Woman, how bright and beautiful is your protection. How calm and quiet are your ways. I am proud to call you sister, and find strength in your example.

After the rains cleared this morning, I sat still contemplating the beauty of this life - of the earth mother and suddenly appeared from an opening in the clouds: A double rainbow! Each colour was so brilliant and richly hued. Violet and blue and green, especially. I don't ever recall seeing them so vivid before. I felt such depth of gratitude. A promise was given and received.... My eyes got lost in the colours... riding along its length and stayed there until it faded from sight. Then, I closed my eyes and saw it for a little while longer...

Earlier this week, an eagle flew overhead, gliding in circles on the air currents. I would have missed it had it not called to me with its high pitched whistle. I looked up and it looked down on me; its wings spread long and strong across the azure sky. We talked for a short while before it flew up out of sight - too high for me to see... But, it gave me your message before it continued on its journey.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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