
01 March 2022

Love Letter to Lilith


Beloved Goddess,

She Who refused to subordinate herself to a man, She Who knew she was equal, and had enough self respect to remain true to herself and her desires. 

Through the ages, Lilith, men have said you were the most beautiful, and in the same breath, the most evil... all because you stood up for yourself. 
I never understood the injustice of it all - why you were banished from the Garden. Yet, because you were, all women are part demon if we disobey - and all women, like me, most likely felt the vile unfairness of it since they were little girls. 

Queen: She Who knows the truth of herself, and of me, I often think I hear you calling my name. And, I wonder, if you and my Inanna are one in the same? So many aspects of the Holy She... so many facets of the Divine Feminine. We - are a kaleidoscope of love and wisdom. We have depth beyond the ocean. We have height beyond the cosmos and yet, we are labeled as unhinged if we speak our Truth - if we walk in our power (not power over - but power to Be)! 

Be Bold! I remember you saying to me... Stand up for what you believe, no matter the cost! And, though I wanted to, I was afraid... Afraid that I, too, would be banished into exile. Yet, your unbridled courage and sensual autonomy has been my strength, and so, this is the year I vow, in your honor, to stand in my power! You are a beautiful, strong, wise and brave role model for all women. When we dare to look behind the veil, when we dare to dig deeper than the surface fear based truth we're made to believe... we see the Truth! 

I see you, Lilith. I stand in solidarity with you. You lead the way for all women to reclaim true liberation - 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

End Note:
In 365 GODDESS, Lilith is assigned to February 29, Leap Year - which occurs only every 4th year (in order to make 'right' the Gregorian calendar). In ancient times, the lunar calendar was used, and remains the true calendar - honoring the energies of both light and dark - the mystery and magick of woman. Though I am certain Patricia Telesco meant no disrespect, I can't stand the idea of Lilith being kept in the liminal hidden space. She has been labeled 'evil' long enough. So, I honor her today instead of Bona Dea (which means Good Goddess). 

In this small way, I intend to bring balance to this division between good and evil - as women, like the Goddess, is often labeled good or evil depending on whether we obey or disobey the male 'God'; who by the way, has no such label, despite his words or deeds. 

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