
28 February 2022

Love Letter to Luonnotar


Beloved Goddess,

Daughter of the Earth, your abundant creativity is prolific... Holy Mother, mine, thank you for sharing it with me. With Spring comes my birthday and your gift of the refreshing east winds; bringing with them all the inspiration and magick needed to fuel my imagination. 

This new year I dedicate to the Divine Feminine, and vow to create something (ie: a poem, painting, collage, cake, dance, song, etc.) each and every day in Her honor. As a gift not only to the rebirth of my inner authority and sovereignty - but for the rebirth of woman world-wise! (oops!) I meant world-wide. Yet, may it be the beginning of a new era of wisdom, too! May all women awaken to the wisdom and power that dwells within her - in her own body - mind - heart and soul.

Creatrix of the Cosmic Egg, will you please guide my path - daily? Help me to birth my authentic essence. Allow me to emerge from this age old paradigm of conditioning, of control, of never being 'enough', of always being 'less than' perfect just the way I am... that began before I was ever born, yet which unknowingly, my Mother, still tries to keep me prisoner of (and herself most likely, too). And, still to this day, it causes me to often forget who I am! And, makes me neglect, curse and hate myself.  Help me break free of the shell that keeps me small. Grant me strength, courage and perseverance that I may continue until I have reclaimed my liberty. Help me to grow into the fullness of my wholeness and into the fullness of my potential.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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