
15 February 2022

Love Letter to Shakti

Beloved Goddess,

Devoted to you, I allow your soulful essence to guide my life. My journey has led me in a direction I could have never guessed. Yet, where I belong, I know not....

For as long as I can remember, I have longed for true love, like your magickal and loving relationship with Shiva. Ooh! Goddess. Where is my Shiva? Please banish every barrier or hindrance within me that keeps him from waking up and dancing this life in love with me.

And, Goddess, I sincerely request a private counsel with you. Please share your wisdom. I call upon your loving, playful, and active force for the benefit of healing my self-image, transforming my body and allowing needful, positive change to occur on a physical level in my body and in my life.

Shakti, I am devoted to your divine feminine wisdom. I seek it within my own heart daily. Please help me to listen more closely, to be more aligned with the life force within myself and help me be a more authentic and powerful voice that I may be successful in my work as Priestess. I ask as I know that when I am able to be sovereign and take focused action in all areas of my life - namely financial, home and independence - that I will be able to live my soul purpose in more delightful, sensual and engaging ways. 

For these many requests, I have placed upon the altar a photograph of the most exquisite lotus blossom and anoint my body with lotus perfume oil every morning and night. May your magick be my own. May I embody you in every way possible so I may be as charming as you when communicating with both men and women. Help me to banish all fear, all self-doubt and self-sabotage. Help me to stand in my power, knowing without a doubt that I am protected, worthy and able to walk my sacred path of beauty with true purpose, passion and productivity. 
Thank you,

-Yours devotedly

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