
16 February 2022

Love Letter to Victoria


Beloved Goddess,

As you know, I have worked hard for the last decade trying to attain my dreams. I have been dedicated to the Divine Feminine and have been devoted to my soul mission, and yet, I feel that I am still where I began. At times, it feels as if I am only spinning my wheels and not really getting anywhere. I am trusting that I just am not seeing the big picture, that the higher perspective reveals how far I'm truly come. Victoria, please give me wings, grant me a chance to see the truth of my self and my sacred journey. Guide me in the direction I should go if I have taken a wrong tern. Lead me to the heart of my path as I am growing weary. Though the journey has been exciting and enlightening and full of wonder, magick and beauty - there is still far too much mystery that I am feeling left in the dark. 

Earlier, I brewed a pot of ginger and lemon balm tea, and added a pinch of cinnamon and cream. I felt your blessings pour into the cup offering me a renewed positive attitude. So, I drank it with deep gratitude. I could almost hear your voice assuring me that all is well, that I will attain all that I desire, and that victory is mine. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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