
26 February 2022

Love Letter to Oba


Beloved Goddess,

River Queen, please help me learn to go with the flow when dealing with the odd behavior of others, and help me get into the flow moving my body on a daily basis. Let me open fully to the energy flow of my chi - my divine essence and energy. Allow me to be in the state of grace that I may follow and fulfill my soul purpose and mission. 

Oba, you are so graceful and lovely. May I please be more like you, in a healthy place with life and time, itself. May I learn to trust myself in ways I have not yet been able to so that I can manifest all that I need and want to live in this lifetime. May I be a blessing to myself, my children and to the collective. Like all rivers, lead me to the Source of my being, my knowing, my highest good. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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