
25 February 2022

A Love Letter to Asherah


Beloved Goddess,

Show me a glimpse into my future. Is there something I must do to ensure a good outcome, my desired journey? Or, is this my lot in life? Am I the one to take care of others at the cost of my dreams, my own life? I will not spell it out, as you know of what I speak - you know me, the way my life has been since I was a little girl. And, you know my Mother - even more than I... 

Help me to be like a tree. Allow me to be firmly rooted in love; strong, and yet, flexible, that no matter how harsh the winds may rage or blow, I am steady; unharmed. 

Help me to stand tall and confident, and as straight as you in my body, in my heart, in my Truth. 

Please grant me your kind support and wise insight, especially when dealing with those who like to tell me what to do and think, the ones who want to control my every deed and word. 

Help me to be diplomatic, calm, patient, kind, wise and compassionate, but also unwavering, fierce, and brave enough to make things awkward, if it means others become more aware, enlightened, more open, understanding, honest and alive. 

Keep my efforts just, and my intentions good, that I may always walk my path of beauty with purpose and passion, unafraid of what others may think or say! Make me fearless in my expression and authenticity, Make me bold yet also gentle and understanding. Make me a force to be reckoned with as I stand in my inner power and live my sacred mission with divine direction, discipline, self-confidence, and with an unwavering soulful voice. 

Thank you,

-Yours devotedly

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