
19 February 2022

Love Letter to Saga


Beloved Goddess,

Beauteous one, kind and helpful, I am begging you to come. Come to me and spend the last of the Winter with me, in this Enchanted Forest of my home. Soon, there will be many waterfalls, pouring forth information and inspiration! Bring your golden cup, and let's share a drink of wisdom. The fishes are many.

Seeress, I have long been your companion, with keen observation, ever watchful, we are students of the Universe. I look for signs everywhere -Jörd, mother nature has given me an oracle of divination. I am blessed with insight and foresight - being sensitive, and possessing the sacred psychic gift. Like you, my beloved muse, I am in service of others. My heart overflows with compassion: the deep well of consciousness.  Say you will come within the next few weeks - before my birthday! Please.

Saga, you live in every musing, memory and word I write. My journals are spilling with love for life, learning - You! May everything I write become the truth of my reality, as I have poured my dreams and soul essence upon paper since I was a small girl, and still... they long to come true. 
Thank you,

-Yours devotedly

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