
10 February 2022

Love Letter to Yemaja

Beloved Goddess,

Mother of Fishes, hidden in the depths, below the surface of my consciousness where dreams and asperations dwell; I find you, and ask for your good luck, blessings and wisdom. 
The divine within me is seemingly mythical, like you -a mermaid- I am living in two realms at once. Spirit and flesh. 
Water energies are my sacred messengers - my secret powers, but also my magick! Whenever I feel unsure, I hear you sing the wisdom of light and dark. Calling forth the shimmering of my psyche, which is both on the surface and deeply immersed,  Your song, dances my psychic abilities awake. 
I can swim into whichever consciousness I desire to be in... You tell me to believe in my dreams - to believe in my magick - Your soul song channels my soul song and gives it voice. 

In dreams I am with you, sitting upon an island rock in the middle of the dark blue sea. Combing our long hair with pearl encrusted seashell combs, we look into mirrors that reveal our true beauty. There, together, we sing - not to lead men astray - but to empower ourselves! They crash against the rock upon which we rest and drown - only when they are too hardened by life and have forgotten the softness of a woman's strength.
When I feel lost, you guide my spirit home. You lead me to the truth of who I am. You urge me to go with the flow - to trust my intuition - to be my authentic self.
The sacred cup which is my body, mind and spirit, holds the infinite power of water - I can see through the murkiness. I can see all that lies before me and behind. Present in this liminal moment, I can change the energy with just a thought!

In my questions are my answers. Something wonderful awaits - like a forgotten buried treasure found within my depths. You've been with me always. 

"Look up" you say - "to the moon and stars - and make a wish!" You remind me to reach. My dreams are my inspiration and will become my new reality if I will only believe. I do! I am aware of my treasure; it's not a thing to seek. It's within me: Present. 

I hear the echo of your voice, like a siren song carried by ocean waves, reminding me that I am powerful beyond my knowing. 

"Be careful." I hear you say, "Do not limit your abilities or dreams. Trust and know that you are safe and passionate exactly where you are. Simply be an open channel to the energy that flows through you. Allow creativity and spirit to flow - and at the same time plunge the depths of possibilities."

I will trust, Yemaja. I will see what is in front of me. I will trust, yet I will not become ensnared. Mother I will embody the energy of the water and become a positive nurturing energy. I will be a aware of my surroundings, I will follow my inner knowing, I will embody the divine feminine and live wisely in both realms of reality.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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