
23 February 2022

Love Letter to Minerva

Beloved Goddess, 

Please help me prepare my home, heart and land for sowing your positive energy. I am in need of an abundant harvest - a 'forever' home of my own, a more expansive openness to receive true love, and gardens! How I crave gardens in honor of each season - gardens of flowers, fruit and nut trees, vegetables and berries. I long to dig my hands in the rich soil and be deeply grounded and connected with all that I am - my authenticity - my own precious vessel of love. 
I will plant geraniums of all colours in huge pots lining both sides of my front door in your honor, with this intent and prayer: 

Minerva, protect this sacred space

and all who dwell within -

and all who cross this threshold.

By your power and my will

and by the blessings of these flower -

now, only love, acceptance, balance and magick may enter and reside within. 

I saw an owl last night, its eyes bright and huge, staring down at me from a big old oak tree... I immediately thought of you - and felt that you had sent him to protect and watch over me. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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