
21 February 2022

Love Letter to Libitina


Beloved Goddess,

Some fear you. Maybe I do, too, on occasion, but it's the vast unknown that frightens me - the way ocean depths do, the way great heights do. But mostly, there is no fear in my love for you. Just a vague memory that haunts me - a longing for something beautiful I can't quite describe or define... the ache for true love - unlike any I've ever known here. 

More often than not, I feel your dark energy as a sacred space, a holy place - a void of unseen and infinite possibility - Cosmic power!

Dark Mother, you are pure divine feminine essence; the Great Mystery; She Who Allows deep rest, peaceful slumbers. Ancient Mother you hold us all - the true us - the soulful  consciousness of us - the naked, unclothed- without flesh and bones us. You hold us as an unformed baby in our mothers protective womb: loving, nourishing, keeping us safe, allowing our body to take from your body, allowing our body to be formed from within your body - allowing us to grow into the purpose we will  ourselves to be - until our soul is ready once more, to be birthed. If this is death, if this is demise, what truly have we to fear? Our own becoming? Our own soul and her endless journey or She Who Holds and fashions and births our soul? 
I shall never fear you. I shall only ache with longing to see you again. To be in the presence of Samadhi -Pure Bliss: No ego to wear, no fear to suckle on, no pain, sorrow or tears, no hidden trauma, no questioning, or unnamed longing for belonging- for home. 
Why should we fear bliss? Why should we fear pure creative energy? Why should we fear our true mother?

Libitina, I humbly and sincerely ask that you let die within me any and everything that keeps me from being pure love, that entangles me with fear - keeping me far from Source; anything that lies to me and tries to destroy my inner voice, my inner knowing, my inner truth of being - take from me. 
Mother, free me from habits that do me harm, free me from habits that waste my precious time and energy here in this garden of good and evil. For my precious soul, Beloved, please make holy space for my continual growth and re-birth, give me sacred rituals that will truly bless and enrich my body, mind, heart and soul. I pray for this - for us all. May we, your children, remember and find peace within our own precious souls. and with your company.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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