
05 February 2022

Love Letter to Agatha

Beloved Goddess,

Saint Agatha, grace of health and healing; She Who Understands the atrocities of shame and violence against womankind. Free us.

Hold me and my sisters in your holy arms.
Keep us safe from harm. 
Keep us free from hate. 
Keep us free from dis-ease.
Keep us whole.

Blessed one, give us the vision and the wisdom to love our bodies in all their unique shapes and sizes.

Help us to treat them as precious. 
Help us to honor them as sacred. 
Help us to see the beauty in ourselves.
Help us see our unfolding, like a flower from bud to withered petals, as lovely and a gift.
Help us to see the beauty in our process of being maiden, mother, crone. 

Heal our fear of aging. Let us see its honor.
Heal our fear of not being enough... We are!
Heal our wounds and our self inflicted pain.
Heal our hearts and keep our breasts supple and safe that we may nourish our babies and nurture our lovers. 
Thank you,

-Yours devotedly

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