
06 February 2022

Love Letter to Ayizan

Beloved Goddess,

She who taught me the pleasure of playfulness and divination as Priestess. How innocent and naïve was I, yet your Voo-doo magick has protected me from harm in ways I'll never know.

 Your wise woman ways have led me into the pleasing path of joy and the lightness of being. As Priestess, it can feel so lonely; yet you have taught me how to dance with my sisterhood... to commune with the Earth Mother, and to put myself in the center where others gather because you know I dislike crowds, you know I do not like to be the center of attention... You know me so well - that you are able to push me from my comfort zone, and I willingly go thinking it a game of fun. And, if ever I am fearful, you know how to lift my heaviness. You lovingly encourage me  when I am resistant. Ooh! Ayizan, you know the sole purpose behind playfulness - an act to balance the seriousness of what I give. You ask me to open and receive, so even more unseen is revealed.

Many truths and ancient practices have you shared with me! Taking my hands in your own, you read me. In the lines I was born with and the ones I have created, you look upon each and give a fortune -telling me that I am yours. That I belong to a bloodline older than the one my pale skin and blue eyes know. 

You paint your dark face pale like moon light on a starry night, that I may remember my origins, my roots. That I may remember who I am. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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