
20 February 2022

Love Letter to Oniata

Beloved Goddess, 

How my heart swells with love for you, for your humble grace and inner beauty. Your heart is the kindness heart I've ever heard of any one possessing. 

Your a legend!

The people say you were the most beautiful, radiant maiden anyone had ever seen. Dark eyes like all Iroquois women, but pale skin and hair like sun kissed silk. Men would come from distant tribes to gaze upon your incomprehensible beauty; and they would all fall instantly in love with you. Love blind, they would leave their wives and tribes to follow your every step, seeking to win your affection.

I know for some that seems romantic - What woman wouldn't want to be so admired? But, it caused you great sorrow. You did not welcome the attention. When you heard the broken-hearted women who lost their men because of you- innocent though you were, it broke your heart. The madness was upsetting everyone and any chance for a healthy future or way of life...

 Oniata, tears welled up in my eyes when I heard of your depth of love, fearless strength and selfless courage. To restore peace to the hearts and minds of your sisters, and order to life  as it had always been - you sacrificed your happy life with your father Chief, and any hope of living a life within your tribe by  announcing that you would leave. No one said 'stay' - no one stopped you when you simply walked away from the circle into the forest. Never to be seen again! I ache to know that you were all alone... no where to go.

Sometimes, beyond the veils of time and in the land of imagination, I can see you walking away from all that you loved - without an opportunity to prepare, or to kiss your father goodbye; You never looked back. 

I see your footprints in the snow, leaving a long trail of flowers who reached up from their dark hiding places to capture every tear that fell from your eyes, and burst into bloom by the radiance of your inner light. 

I see you weary, lost. Finally, stopping to take comfort in the tangled roots of an ancient mossy grandmother tree. Her body warmth for yours. Her strength holding you as you took rest. And, then, unexpectedly, as if a dream, I see a brave on a hunting journey, from some distant land. Having never heard of you or your famed beauty, he finds you curled up in the snow, asleep. His heart breaks for love of you. Your tearstained eyes open, searching his -revealing all. He doesn't question you - he doesn't lust. He simply gathers you up in his strong embrace and places you upon his horse. Safe in his arms, you lay your ear against his heart and hear the song of true love. You begin to breathe, no longer hopeless as he takes you home. 

Home, a place where it's warmer than you have ever known before. Home where your beauty and kindness are seen as a treasure, not a threat. Home where you are accepted and loved by all. I can see you growing a garden, laughing, holding a baby, happy living living your life.

I see you thus, even though legend says you left this cruel world for some far away place in the sky- Which is the truth, Oniata ?

... Why is it that people can be so cruel to one so innocent, beautiful and kind? Why must a life be sacrificed for the good of the all? And, why must we be denied the wonder of one so rare because of pettiness, fear and jealousy? When will you return and shine your light again upon the earth, again?

Today, while walking on the forest path, I came across a small patch of bright yellow daffodils peeking up from the snow! As I knelt to admire their beauty, I found you! You live in their fragrance and loveliness1!

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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