
01 February 2022

Love Letter to Brigit


Beloved Goddess, 

O Bright One of my purest heart, I call upon you today. Fill me with a burning passion that I may be more creative than ever in my art, my thoughts, my life.

Sisters of the flame are we! Remember how we danced in a circle around the cauldron, last Spring? Drinking of the spiritual elixir in your sacred cauldron, I receive your gifts of health, fertility and beauty. I still visualize the golden light bright within that cup. 

Upon my altar I light a candle in your honor. Carved into the wax of a yellow candle I carved the number 19 and a Celtic cross and let it burn bright into the night. Guide me as I walk my sacred path of beauty. Be with me and inspire me, always.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly.

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