
12 February 2022

Love Letter to Iyatiku

Beloved Goddess,

I feel your nurturing support, your sweet embrace... just as the seeds lay beneath the soil safe and protected, awaiting growth and the promise of what's to come - so do I!

In your honor, I put on my moccasins and went out back and danced on the soft land by the creek. I sang songs without words, I sang songs with my heart, I sang my soul song for you. Music swelled up within my body and filled my heart.  Did you feel my love for you? Did you hear my heart beating in rhythm with yours? For a while, as if in a trance, I could almost see your beautiful face in the willows... I could feel your body, strong and supple beneath my feet. I could smell your earthy fragrance mixed with the scent of sweet corn and beans growing green on the vine. 

The moss was thick and soft beneath my feet. After I danced, I sat down and grounded in it. I felt the coolness of each little phyllid, as if they were reaching to touch my fingers. How magickal it would have been to take a nap in that bed of moss... to listen to your heart beating next to mine, to breathe you in. 

As I sit in deep meditation, I feel at peace. I know that all is well; you are watching over me. With so much love you hold me, and every dream seed I have ever planted. Preparing yourself with great care you oversee our growth and nurture us to abundant fruition. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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