
14 February 2022

Love Letter to Venus


Beloved Goddess,

I am writing to you as I seek your advice. And, I really want to know the truth of many things left unspoken; like the lost art of love, beauty, romance, enchantment - and sex...
You hinted the last time we spoke, but some little ears were listening, and you whispered: 'later'... but later never presented itself. 

Ooh, and Venus, I overheard someone calling you the Morning and Evening Star. How can this be, when my Mistress holds this title? I'm very curious about this, as it leads one to believe that you are an aspect of She! Is it true? Inanna just rolled her eyes when I asked her. 

As for the advice: Your skin is so creamy and soft, Venus. What is your secret? And, you are so quietly self-assured. Will you please teach me how to be more confident? And if possible, to actually love my body and feel comfortable, maybe even beautiful, in my own skin- as you seem to do so effortlessly. 

 Also, is it really true that you are both loved and hated? I do not understand why such vile lies are spoken of a Goddess. Venus, please know that I do not believe anything said against you and never repeat what I hear to anyone! Truly! I simply cannot even imagine anyone disliking you...  You are so lovely, gracious, strong, playful and full of life. Perhaps, it's your passion they disapprove of? I ask, because I am shamed for my inherent sensual nature - and even called precocious as a little girl, also naïve. 

Why do women act so jealous, and men say they love us but behave as though they hate us? Why do they go to such lengths to win our love and affection, only to treat us with such ill regard? Why are we demonized and why are lies spoken of us? It seems all of womankind has suffered mistreatment, despite everything we are and do for mankind; it never seems to change. Will it ever get better? Ooh! I know some women say 'We've come a long way" - but  if one of our sisters is silenced, abused, kept down, or disrespected, we all are. 

I apologize that my letter has become a list of requests, but please do write back. My mind is racing with curiosity and anticipation. I anxiously await your reply. Your last letter was beautiful, and overflowing with the most exquisite insight. 

I can almost hear your sweet voice every time I re-read it.  How blessed am that you care for me. 

Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

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