
02 February 2022

Love Letter to Proserpina


Beloved Goddess,

I have been searching my soul for ages, it seems and longer, seeking the truth of who I am in all the dark corners. Shining the light of love where secrets dwell - I reclaim my power and save myself from an inner hell. 

Upon the altar I have placed flowers of red, purple, white and pink - and lots and lots of candles. They flicker brightly in the surrounding darkness and remind me that I am not alone. Breaking open a large, round pomegranate, the seeds plump and juicy spilling out on the altar cloth, I offer blessings to you and ask that you purify and protect me.

Goddess of Divination, you look into my soul. I do not blink, but gaze into your depth as if consulting an oracle. Asking for your message, I see  amber hues and the word Love reveals herself to me. Naked in the flowering tree amid strong branches, she stretches. Unafraid that her tender skin might be clawed or marred in any way. I know you are asking me to open myself to the mystery and magick of love - to be vulnerable - to be grounded; authentically myself. Not to lose myself in a man. Not to be overtaken by his erotic, hidden need, or mine. Not to sacrifice any part of who I am to please him, or in exchange for being loved. Yet, I often wonder if I will ever find my one true love... I've made so many poor choices in love, before. I've had so many chances... I've grown old.

"Be fearless" you whisper, and I feel the full essence of love resurge through my mind, body and spirit, and my courage is restored. 

Thank you,
-Yours devotedly 

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