
22 February 2022

Love Letter to Binah

Beloved Goddess,

Ooh Divine Spirit, I am just beginning to comprehend your holy place in the Qabalah, and though I do not yet fully understand, I know that I have always known you. You are as much a part of me as I am!
The 3rd Sephirah of Love, you are my light and guide. Come open the channels of energy within me so that I may generate love in its purest form; in emotional ways I have yet to feel or experience. 

Sister of my soul, I long to know you on more intimate levels. Reveal yourself to me. Divine Mother, lead me to attainment. You are my Source of understanding. My spirit expression of love and life.

The bees and the lilies are sacred to you - and to me. Messengers with wisdom sweet as honey; may the grace of the bees bring my first born, my beloved daughter, Lily, home to me. It's been far too long and I ache to hold her near to my heart as I once did before she was torn from my life. Shower her with blessings and let my love be a healing balm on her secret wounds and trauma from my anguish, and all my heartbroken tears. 

Binah, help me to comprehend the fullness of my purpose here, what I must do, what I am and who I am to become. Help me to find a way to generate more love in every action, word and thought. Grant me inner peace and the ability to discern with clear awareness all matters with ease that I may be secure in my unity with the Divine Feminine, Truth, peace and love. 
Thank you,
_Yours devotedly

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