
17 February 2022

Love Letter to Fornax


Beloved Goddess, 

Throughout my life, you have nourished me on deep and soulful levels. Your goodness fills me with health and well-being. As a child, I remember praying before we broke bread: Goddess Good, Goddess Great... and thanked you for everything you provided me.

From the moment I awoke this morning, I have been thinking of the simple pleasure of warm bread and butter: the sweet brown bread I have had only a few times, the homemade biscuits my granny made almost every morning for my breakfast, when I was little; the sourdough I was introduced to as a teen; the braided egg bread that I baked for my babies; the homemade orange rolls I made for my 94 year old friend, Hazel on a weekly basis (she adored them!); and the rustic little loaf that I make often because of its simplicity, versatility, and charming texture and taste.  

This day seems most appropriate to write and tell you how much you've blessed my life. I love this statue of you that stands over my kitchen flames blessing everything I bake. 

There is so much to be thankful for, hearth and home... the sacredness of an over!

Thank you

-Yours devotedly

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May the Goddess Bless You Abundantly!