
08 February 2022

Love Letter to Wakahiru


Beloved Goddess,

I woke at dawn to watch you awaken; you smiled at me with such sweet kindness. As I poured jasmine tea into our little ceramic cups, you sang a song I've never heard before... Something so lilting and soft... like a whisper of wind carrying away the gentle moan of a woman in the throes of ecstasy. It brought tears to my eyes. 

Staring out the window as the sun came up over the mountain, we sat in silence, together. We, both, seemingly lost in our own thought. How lovely it was to just be in your presence...

Remember, later that day, as the afternoon was turning into early evening, we looked through the old chest where you kept your most treasured handcrafted items? Each folded neatly and tied with yellow silk ribbons... begging to be undone. My fingers traced every silken peony, my eyes caressed each sunburst - their hushed tones of pink and lavender and  jade green against golden hues of pale tangerine and creamy white. You spoke to me of the art of weaving; how it feels to rock with the rhythmic motion of the loom like ocean waves. How, your heart embraces thoughts until they become memories, tucked away for days when fingers no longer move with agile grace. How lovers came and left you spent, and the way countless flower petals fell and scattered over the earth like little kisses across your ivory skin.

Those were sweet days we shared, when you took rest from weaving and allowed my company to distract you from your sacred task. I have not forgotten. I never will.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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