
18 February 2022

Love Letter to Lara


Beloved Goddess, 

Several times in the last year, I have stood at the crossroads, the liminal place between the temporal and spirit realms. I have felt the presence of some unseen force, benevolent and yet, unknown to me. Was it you who called my name, when no one was there to be seen? I cannot say if it was a dream or not... Other times, as I am about to fall asleep, I hear a strange tearing sound as if the fabric of this life and the next has been torn asunder. This frightens me a little, as it's startling. loud in the silence of my mind, and very unexpected. What does it mean? Please tell me, or show me sign. What am I to do during these strange moments that feel unreal, as if they do not belong to this life at all. It leaves me feeling so uncertain, and haunted, in a way. Lara, take  fear far from me. Grant me a deep sense of peace and trust. I know that you will keep me safe... that there is nothing to fear, and no harm shall befall me. 

Just before twilight, I scattered rose petals and sweet violets in your honor. My ancestors are in your care, beloved Mother of the Dead, and some day, so shall I be. Do not keep them from communicating with me, especially James Phoenix. I long to hear his voice, his heart, his truth. My heart still aches over my loss of him. In each of my windows I have placed a white candle; their flames light the way so my dearly departed, those known and unknown may remember I love them. Keep us all in a place of love and happiness. Remove any unhealthy aspect from our bloodline and keep our children safe for seven generations to come. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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