
31 January 2022

Love Letter to Sarasvati


Beloved Goddess,

You have taught me wisdom, and helped me learn in ways I may never have without your divine assistance. Thank you Sarasvati, for opening the channel of communication between us.  I am honored by your kindness toward me.

Like the swan you ride upon, your grace is in my heart, and it is a soft strength which I am grateful. Upon my stream of consciousness, thoughts, like white petaled flowers drift sweetly upon the crystal clear waters of divine awareness.  Our minds are one. Our spirits, too.

Bless me always as I write and share the wisdom granted to me with others. Help me to be ever grateful and full of love toward everyone I encounter, just as you have been with me.

Now, as I sit in the Enchanted Forest, in which I dwell, pen in hand, writing this love letter to you... I gaze upon the fast moving waters of the hidden stream, Soon, I will give 21 pure white petals from a rose that bloomed last summer and speak these words aloud to you:

"Sarasvati, let my words bear gentle beauty and truth, falling lightly on others' ears as these petals to the water. "

And, kneeling upon the earth close to the waters edge, I will whisper a secret, as I know the fresh waters will find there way to you, and you, will hear them singing my soul song and feel my love for you. Be with me always.

Thank you,

-Yours devotedly

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