
14 January 2022

Love Letter to Carmenta


Beloved Goddess,

O! She of foresight and prophecy, bless me with your powers that I may traverse the path of beauty with wisdom and grace. Allow me to use your gifts to know my purpose and renew my passion.

You guided me during childbirth and helped me bring forth four souls into this realm. You hold my hand as I write the words that flow from my heart and divine consciousness; birthing precious creations into this world. May all that I give birth to be a blessing.

Carmenta, your magick spells and sacred songs help me create and dance through life with holy purpose and joy. You are a beautiful blessing and I am grateful for your presence in my life.

Please continue to speak through me as oracle and prophetess that I may guide others in their rebirthing process. Your wisdom is oceans deep. May the primordial waters of the Holy Womb baptize all who seek the mysteries of Goddess and honor life.

Ooh! How I love to sit at waters edge, summoning the nymphs to come and speak with me in their sweet and playful singsong language - I bid them stay, for long, dreamy hours... Help me to remember what they say whenever I am parched and feeling bereft of spirit. Remind me that I am juicy and wet with the creation of life.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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