
15 January 2022

Love Letter to Vesta


Beloved Goddess,

Upon the altar of my hearth, you watch over me. The glass candle I have embellished with your face and symbols reminds me daily that I am home, and well cared for.

The flame keeps me warm and nourished. The purple and amber hues inspire me and remind me that life is beautiful and my home is sacred in every way. 

How I love you, Vesta, Goddess of Love. Allow me to dance with the veils - removing them when and how I desire, and adding more when and as wanted. Dance through me, my heart and soul... Show me how to nurture my self and those I love. Show me how to provide deep and nourishing care. Show me how to love. 

Goddess, a secret missive I have placed upon the altar, that you may know and grant my wish. You house my deepest heart and longings - let me find my way back into the center of peace. Allow me to create and keep a home of my own... where I may dance and celebrate - love and live - make art and feasts - bathe and rest. Goddess Vesta, I adore you!

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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