
07 January 2022

Love Letter to Arachne

Beloved Goddess,

When first I heard tale that you had been turned into a spider, because jealousy would not allow the perfection of your weaving, I was horrified! My heart ached for your demise and unjust treatment... And, yet, I see how gracious, and graceful and lovely you are still - your fate has not diminished your beauty or your gifts. 

May I remember to accept what happens in my life without bitterness, and instead, choose to remain true to my self and my divine nature. 

Whenever I see a wee little spider, no matter how frightening it may appear, I remember you and as gently as possible, I capture it and return it to the lushness of my garden, so it may live among the blossoms and berries. 

I am grateful for your inspiration. Please assist me to weave a year of Goddess energy that will support me in keeping my thoughts goddess heart centered.

Thank you,

-Yours devotedly


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