
23 January 2022

Love Letter to The Earthly Mother


Beloved Goddess,

Blessed earth mother, your beauty and fertile abundance never ceases to astonish me. The trees are my comfort and shelter on hot, summer days and the forests my companions always. 

Life and joy are your gifts to me, and I am so deeply grateful. Mother, teach me to grow ever closer to you... to know the wisdom in the dirt and weeds. Teach me the ways of the changing seasons that I may know the mysteries of life and death and rebirth within myself and my own sacred cycles. Help me to let go when I must and to embrace everything I am given. 

I am ever aware of your presence and though I sometimes neglect spending time alone with you, I always think of you with deep, abiding love. Call to me, Mother, until I hear your voice and come running to be with you. Whisper messages to me that I will be inspired to follow your wisdom more closely. Sing to me as a small child until I remember that I belong here, and never again seek to leave.

Thank you,

-Yours devotedly

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