
13 January 2022

Love Letter to Mielikki


Beloved Goddess,

Huntress - She Who stalks my shadow self and captures it with cunning; thank you for providing sustenance to my spirit during the cold and barren times of life... 
Mistress of the Forest - She Who shows me how to nurture, preserve and protect the beauty and richness of our earth Mother...  
Darling Mielikki, Goddess of the fairies, the Druids, the trees and flowers, and all we who dwell within the other holy dimensions where magick and mystery reign- please continue blessing us with your great and wondrous healing powers. Your gifts are much needed now. I welcome your healing change. Restore my spirit to its proper and original essence so as to be in alignment with the divine.
She Who created the bear - please visit me in the dreamtime again, and again. Reveal the man who haunts my dreams. I saw him three times as a bear, but he has left me waiting and unfulfilled. I long for him, still.

Thank you,
-Yours devotedly.

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