
29 January 2022

Love Letter to Spider Woman

Beloved Goddess, 

As the weaver of my fate, I am grateful that you know my heart and love me dearly. When I fall asleep, you visit me in my dreams. I remember, with fond memory, braiding your long, silver white hair. You spoke not a word, but sweetly smiled as I did so. I  keep close to my heart the magickal charm you created especially for me, I feel its power and your love, as mine.
Cherokee Grandmother, I love you. Please teach me how to weave the magick of abundance in my life so that I may do all the things I dream of doing. I know that you want to see me accomplish my dreams for the good of all in this lifetime. I am following my sacred path of beauty as you guide me to do. Come, be with me as I create a new pathway for myself and for future generations of girls and women.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly.

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