
04 January 2022

Love Letter to Callisto


Beloved Goddess,

Long ago, you entered my dreams and revealed yourself to me as Callisto. You showed me where to find sweet honey in my mountain home, within my wild gypsy soul. 

Oh! How fierce, protective and gentle your love can be. I am pregnant with desire. 

When I cannot sleep and seek comfort, I wander through the clear night sky looking for you... longing to find dark warmth beneath your blanket of stars. You guide my path, always leading me back unto myself - to all that is divine. 

She-bear, holder of secrets... magick... love, pour your blessings upon me. 

Goddess awaken my natural instincts that I may move through this world with flexibility and the intensity of a woman brave, creative, free. Grant me the power to let go of fear. Transform  my slumbering strength into vitality.

May I learn to mother myself wisely, and as protectively as you do. May I find must needed comfort and rest in your nurturing presence. 

Thank you.

- Yours devotedly 

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