
05 January 2022

Love Letter to Befana


Beloved Goddess,

As a child I set outside our backdoor beneath the hanging cinnamon broom, a gift basket full of tiny apples, pecans, a candy cane, and other little treasures I found precious- like a smooth rock with an eye hole through it, a rabbits foot, and a charm I made from paper, glue, and a handful of sweet orange rind, cardamom and rose petals. My innocence and kindness was always rewarded. 

How often during the dark nights of winter I waited, wondering if you might appear before me in the form of the Kitchen witch that blessed our stove and whisper secret spells that would keep the scary things at bay. Though I never saw you, I felt your presence and knew you watched over me. It made me feel safe.

Still, I sense that you guide me on my path - protecting me along my way. 

And, still, every time I call to you, I hear your soft words of wisdom as if they come from my own heart and inner knowing. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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