
25 January 2022

Love Letter to the Mother of Ten Thousand Things

Beloved Goddess,

Mother, I love you. 

 How lucky and blessed am I that you care for me, and tend to 10,000 things that are  unknowable, incontrollable -

How fortunate am I that you remove the responsibility of these things from me. As I listen and pay attention, I am watchful for a sign, some serendipitous thing that may come my way or happen, today, I keep you in my heart and give gratitude for your compassion.

Before your altar, I kneel, and place upon it, into your care, all that troubles my heart - trusting that you will know what to do ... that you will guide me, and, in time, I will know what actions to take. My future feels so far away and darkly unseen, my finances are few and I wonder if ever I will know true love.  Yet, I do not want to worry over them any longer. So I rest in your grace, believing that a wonderful year is ahead of me.

Thank you.
-Yours devotedly


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