
03 January 2022

Love Letter to Chin Mu


Beloved Goddess,

I dedicated my altar to you, today. Upon it I placed a small golden castle, an alabaster cat with emerald  green eyes, a bowl of fresh peaches, and a pale creamy white camellia flower with pink buds. Which is pure magick as the bush just began blooming two weeks ago, at the beginning of  winter! Such sorcery is your gift, I know...

The peaches are so sweet and juicy reminding me of the gift and pleasure of my own femininity. Mother, I love being a woman with my soft, supple body.  How lovely to be made in your image.

And, to receive your blessings of long life and good health, I wore my own sweet mothers gold and pink stone brooch, and thought of all the blessings I've been granted.  

May I always remember that I am loved as I walk the Path of Beauty.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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