
16 January 2022

Love Letter to Sengen-Sama

Beloved Goddess, 

You who makes the flowers bloom - I have known you since the beginning of time. 

In honor of the beauty, strength and fragility of life, I placed upon my altar a tiny bud that fell from an impatience plant that I brought indoors before winter arrived. I offer it as a symbol of the promise you made: That no matter what befalls me, I will grow strong and blossom profusely in this lifetime.

Since that day when I first bled, and stood in sacred circle with the women who traveled this path before me, I hold close to my heart the magickal name I was given and use the tools that I made in wise and wondrous ways.

Sengen Sama, you always remind me that women are stronger than we know - like the mountains we have a higher perspective, like the flower we mature, and like the earth -we will endure. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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