
09 January 2022

Love Letter to Jana


Beloved Goddess,

Upon the altar in a circle are my offerings to you: the scent of Jasmine incense spiraling upward; the three flames of a silver candle flickering brightly; an antique mirror -round and full like the moon, for scrying; the eye of a single peacock feather; and  a pink bowl of honeyed water upon which floats a camellia blossom. 

As I stand gazing into the scrying mirror I can almost see your face - strong and silent, sweet and fierce - fading in and out of my awareness like clouds obscuring the moon. I feel your presence with me, offering me a new perspective. And, so I ask: Enlighten my path and guide my way through each night and every day. Please open doorways that I may go in the direction my spirit leads. Reveal the Truth and Love to me along the way.

Your sacred totem, the wolf is with me, often, teaching me how to remain loyal to myself and my dreams, how to care for others in my tribe, as well as myself. I am honored that you have sent him to me - to protect and guard over me as I walk my path of beauty.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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