
21 January 2022

Love Letter Oshun

Beloved Goddess, 

Generous and beautiful are your ways. You open your oracular eyes and I gaze within, in hopes of seeing my future true love. Sweet Goddess, you know how long I have been waiting for him. Though you have taught me to divine, I still have not the skill to find him. When the timing is right, I trust that he will find his way to me.

Oshun, Goddess of Love, bless me and all the women who will be joining me in Goddess Self-Love Rebirth Sadhana, that we may truly learn to love ourselves on every level, that we may be reborn into the wholeness of who we are and who we are meant to be in this life. Please bless us with deep insight, gentle grace and abundant magick to remember who we are - Daughters of the earth and sea and cosmic sky.

I place upon the altar a vial of holy water, white and pink seashells, and a mala strand of amber beads in your honor, and ask that you reveal your fortune-telling secrets, that I may be of service to those who come to me for a reading, as I am only ever able to see the present moment. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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