
24 January 2022

Love Letter to Nokomis


Beloved Goddess,

How your golden hues weave through all my childhood memories, Grandmother. How sweet the corn that was made into bread, how creamy the butter! I am grateful for all that you have provided that has fed and nourished me all my days upon this earth.

Nokomis, you bless me with good luck and all forms of prosperity. Even when I am afraid that I do not have enough, you show me that I do. I trust in you to feed me, both body and spirit. 

In the early morning, when the day is still calm and quiet, I pray to you and sings songs as the rays of the early light, golden and soft, kiss the gold rings upon my toes, and the chain about my neck that lays nestled between my naked breasts. I love to sit with you, Grandmother and listen to your wisdom. "All is well", you say to me. "Trust", and, I do. My heart is grateful.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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