
20 January 2022

Love Letter to Oya


Beloved Goddess,

You flow through me like a river wildly - my passions strengthening and building; my truth - irrepressible, Mother, be with me ever, as I journey through this life. I need your feminine zeal to dance me awake to my real self. Let me not forget that I am woman - free, sensual and lusty for life - for love.

You inspire a creativity within me that flows on to paper, dampens the idle want or need for anything not of my authentic nature while allowing my true passions, desires and soul purpose  to become wet with excitement. I love that I am able to receive the pure pleasure of being alive, of being in the creative flow, of being woman!

In your honor, this day, I have lit nine white candles and placed a bowl of river water upon the altar, speaking grace and protection upon all your daughters that we may be met with fair justice in all situations .  We call upon you with gentle hearts, Yorba Mother to keep us safe, to keep evil away, to shower us with your love. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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