
26 January 2022

Love Letter to Jun Ti


Beloved Goddess,

Ooh! Sun and moon! Lady, your light of grace and wisdom shine upon me. 

She Who governs fate grant me long life. 

You have taught me that dragons are not to be feared as evil or destructive... I delight when they unexpectedly visit me, as I find them to be friendly, wise and beautiful! Often, they appear in the form of shadow or cloud - as tree or stone. Bearing blessing, good luck and prosperity - I am honored by their beloved presence in my life.

Jun Ti be my North Star. Be the light that guides me to my fortune and my well-being. As you have instructed me to do, I listen, and use my intuition and see with my inner eye to find my way to enlightenment. Restore my sense of balance and allow me to honor both light and dark, night and day. Please continue helping me to be calm, strong and centered.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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