
22 January 2022

Love Letter to Auchimalgen

Beloved Goddess, 

O beautiful, bright One who shines light in the darkness to illuminate, inspire, protect and bless, I see your wonder and grace!

Auchimalgen, you are with me always - I feel your lunar power within my being. You dwell in each of the 11 moon centers housed on my female body. Help me to become more aware of these energies as they flow within me... Teach me the steps to dance more gracefully with you - and to know and trust my own natural rhythm.

I feel loved knowing you are watching over me and gently guiding me in everything I do, as all loving mothers do for their beloved daughters. 

Mother, I built an altar on the smooth, flat stone beside the creek... and stood before it adorned in a white flowing dress. A silver crescent moon pendant lay heavy upon pale the flesh between my supple breasts. Upon the altar I placed a white candle and lit it praying: 'May your light ever shine bright within my heart.' A seashell that you gave to me that night at the ocean... a large, shallow pottery bowl full of salt water... and a handful of white jasmine blossoms were also lovingly placed upon the stone altar in your honor. 

As I sat upon the earth and listened to the whispering waters, I felt your soft gaze upon my face; you were presence with me and I felt safe. 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly.

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