
30 January 2022

Love Letter to Pax


Beloved Goddess, 

I have kept my vow of peace in honor of you for most of my life... the few times I have lost my temper are rare. My prayer both day and night is that peace may prevail in every way upon this earth - your beautiful body, my one true love. 
I clothe myself in white, this day and bathe in the love of the light that shines upon my face. I set upon my altar, beneath the tree with the faery door in its roots, an offering of corn, as I am almost certain a squirrel with her wee little babies dwell within. And, left a small, folded note on pink paper, the magickal words written in the language of the Goddess. Hear my prayer, please Mother, and shower us all with blessings and peace.
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

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