
02 January 2022

Love Letter to Benten

Beloved Goddess,

I have seen your golden dragon in my dreams and heard the high pitched tune of a biwa playing melodic sounds as it spoke to me of a treasure ship - 

Just before waking, two white snakes arrived unexpected with your  missive promising that this year it would be steered in my direction!

In your honor, O Queen of the Sea, I  bathe in the salted waters of beauty to open my heart, mind, body, and soul in preparation to receive the blessings of luck and fortune  to be bestowed unto me. 

The Lotus Sutra is the Wish-Granting Jewel and I find it in the stillness and in these words: "When the mind is silent like a lake, the lotus blossoms". 

Like the lotus, may I always embody your beauty within and without. 

Thank you.

- Yours devotedly

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