
01 January 2022

Love Letter to Gamelia

Beloved Goddess,

Upon your altar burns incense - the thick, powdery smoke of golden resin fills the air with a soft sweetness; the intriguing fragrance of myrrh with its earthy and spicy scent cleanses away all that is impure within me. Closing my eyes I breathe in deeply and receive healing to mind, body and spirit.  

Before me  you sit upon a throne, revealing  yourself in the form of Gamelia.  Your blessings of protection encircle me and the past, and everything that does not serve my highest good is released. Grateful for this New Year, I welcome a new beginning. 

Symbolically, I place figs and dates at your door. And, as we feast joyfully and drink wine, I accept the gift of abundance, luck and health given to me.  

Please remain with me while I meditate, that I may focus upon all that  you represent of goodness and glad tidings.  

Allow me this day, and always, to embody all that you represent and are, that I may know balance on every level and experience the true meaning of sacred love. 

Thank you.

- Yours devotedly 

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