
28 January 2022

Love Letter to Fulla

Beloved Goddess,

Your magickal ways are tucked into my sacred book and a lock of my hair lays between the pages as a symbol of your protection.

Fulla, I do wish you would tell me about your sisters casket of slippers, and why they needed to be guarded. Were they really enchanted? I envision them made of silk and satin, embroidered with flowers, butterflies, honeybees and secrets.
Flames from as many golden candles as I could find fill my room with light and warmth... I can feel your presence with me now and know that you are here ushering in the energies for my rebirth and abundance - like a little girl, I am looking forward to my birthday- to the spring equinox!
You are a blessing and the bringer of all good things.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly


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