
07 March 2022

Love Letter to Chihnu

Beloved Goddess,

Along with this letter, I am sending the finest silk yarn I could find - in hues of red, pink, saffron, teal and silver. I hope you are pleased when you feel how soft and strong they are, and the way the vibrant colours glow as if lit from within! They're going to make such a beautiful kimono! I envision peonies...

I am truly looking forward to your visit mid April, and can hardly wait to hear the latest news from Lyra. Some say that we (our entire galaxy) is headed your way! I don't know how long it will take to arrive, but I know that you travel fastest than we and can be here in a blink of an eye, if and when you desire.

I am excited to hear more stories about why your constellation is named after a harp, and about your home- Vega. My dear friend, Twinkles, came from there, but she doesn't tell me stories of home, the way you do...

Chihnu, will you please teach me how to sew a garment without leaving a seam! I can't even imagine how you do so! 

Yes, I've been weaving the way you taught me to, and I can hardly wait to show you what I've made! Truly, you have been such an inspiration. It's my wish to be far more creative in the months to come... You should see my vision board; full of craft projects and all the thick velvets, heavy satins, and silk embroidery thread I've been gathering to make a gypsy crazy quilt.  I hope to have it finished by the first winter after I move into my dream home... (I haven't manifested it yet...)

Ooh! I almost forgot! Will you please bless the creativity charm I made from yellow ribbon? I already guessed that you would when I spoke these words with every single braid:

One, Chihnu's power absorbs;

two, inside the magick's stored;

three, the magick's alive in me;

four, I bear Chihnu's creativity!

I know it's silly, but still, it means a lot to me, as I so want to be as skilled as you are, in my arts and crafts! You're my example of excellence! 

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly

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