
24 March 2022

Love Letter to Tamra


Beloved Goddess,

Ancient ancestress to all the birds, is it true that women use to be birds? I feel on some level this is so, as I know I was born to have wings!

Even in my dreams I fly - or find a way up into the sky-upon the back of a black Pegasus, in the arms of my daddy long ago, or while sitting in a porch swing... 

The year that I turned 15, the birds began to come to me for healing - just being held in my hands for a while could mend a broken wing. I am not sure of the power I possess, yet it has happened just so a handful of times. The first one brought to me, took the longest to heal: a big iridescent purple, green and black bird. The others brought themselves... they would call from the tall grasses or hop frantically in the forest to get my attention. They needed only an hour or two of quiet nesting in the palms of my prayerful hands before they took wing and flew from me into the wild blue yonder.

Please teach me their language, Tamra, as they often try to communicate with me, but I do not always understand. 

Today, as I scattered birdseed, a big black crow came to partake and recited a bit of poetry to me. I made a wish and almost instantly, he took flight straight up into the sky, carrying my wish to you! Please make my wish come true, oh beautiful lady.
Thank you.
-Yours devotedly

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