
06 March 2022

Love Letter to the Whale Goddess


Beloved Goddess,

Though my life hasn't been on shaky ground in well over a year, I still contemplate what you are trying to tell me. Sometimes, even as far inland as I am, I think I hear your song; so deeply mournful - it echoes through my body. My heart feels you moving beneath everything I know of life...

During meditation - you swim to the surface of my consciousness on the back of a huge killer whale and I leave this earthly realm for a while and ride away with you. He protects me while I am far from home, and in time, he will lead me back (he told me so!). 

Like us, I think he, too, has a romantic heart and a love of travel. Sometimes while we are surfing through the ocean depths, I hear his thoughts of family - community; always his thoughts are in harmony with nature.

This morning, while waking from a dream, I had the faintest memory of you - of Orca, and it seems there was talk of rebirth. This message keeps coming to my awareness, for over a decade, but especially since the beginning of this year. If you know something about it that I do not, please enlighten me. If you know how I should best prepare please let me know. I am both excited and a little anxious.

After all these years, Lady of the Depths, I still do not know your name, only that you watch over me in the most gentle and comforting ways.

Thank you.

-Yours devotedly  


I'm throwing my message (in this wine bottle) out to sea in hope that you will find it... If you do, please send one back to me...

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