
17 March 2022

Love Letter to Ostara


  Beloved Goddess,

Harbinger of my birth, I greet you joyously! Goddess of Dawn, I welcome rebirth into my life on every level. I am ready to release what has been and give birth to the new - everything that is in alignment with my highest good on my Path of Beauty.

This morning I awoke before the sunrise, took a shower with patchouli and myrrh soap, and dressed in white. I walked down to the creek and stood upon the earth with bare feet. It was chilly, but I felt so grounded - rooted in your love. Connected to your light energy, I actually felt some subtle stirring beneath the earth - Was that you?

As I stood there, I placed a symbol of all that I am ready to release (fear, lack, excess weight and skin imperfections) upon the earth and turned away leaving it there- without a single glance back. As I walked toward the east, I came across a small patch of daffodils; the first flower of spring! I picked one and walked home. Wrapped in a blanket, feet still damp from the dew, I sat on the porch swing and watched the sun rise.  It was so quiet and still. 

A small herd of deer came by, and nibbled on the sweet grasses sprouting down by creek. They saw me but didn't seem to mind my company. I felt their gentleness and sent them love. And, just as I was about to get up and come inside to make a cup of tea, I noticed that a tiny toad had been sitting beside me on the cushion! Once inside I looked up toad medicine and was delighted to see it was a gift and messenger from you! Was that your way of saying everything I've released is now leaving my life, gracefully, and harmlessly? I hope so. Symbolically, like you, toads represent fertility, rebirth, transformation, and love. 

I feel so blessed!

Whatever wonders are in store for me, I welcome them wholeheartedly! And, with a full heart I am grateful for you Ostara. 

Thank you.

_Yours devotedly

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